(a) "今年5月26日这天在德国16个联邦州中的6个州是法定假日 - '基督圣体节'(德文Fronleichnam, 英文Corpus Christi)。"
(i) Corpus Christi, Texas,_Texas
("The city's name (Corpus Christi) in Latin means Body of Christ. The name was given to the settlement and surrounding bay by Spanish explorer Alonso Álvarez de Pineda in 1519, as he discovered the lush semitropical bay on the Catholic feast day of Corpus Christi")
(ii) list of ports in the United States
(rank (by total trade) by 2013 figures: Corpus Christi 8th; Boston 35th)
(iii) Corpus Christi (feast)
(Date 60 days after Easter)
(b) German English dictionary:
* Fronleichnam (noun masculine; German [noun masculine] Fron [socage] + [noun masculine] Leichnam [corpse])
(d) " '基督圣体节' 成为天主教的节日要追述到公元13世纪,当时比利时列日郊区的一位修女向教区主教 bishop 讲述,她从1209年起多次看见有一块缺口的满月"
(i) Juliana of Liègeège
(c 1192 or 1193 – 1258; "When Juliana was 16 she had her first vision which recurred subsequently several times. Her vision presented the moon in its full splendour, crossed diametrically by a dark stripe")
(A) Liègeège
(a city; is located in the province of the same name; section 1 Etymology; view map)
(B) Liège
(e) " '基督圣体节' 被定为每年天主教五旬节过后的第二个星期四,这也是为什么每年这天日期会有不同。因为五旬节,也称 '圣灵降临日'(德文 Pfingsten, 英文 Pentecost),每年在复活节后第50天以及 '耶稣升天节 ['](德文 Christi Himmelfahrt,英文 Ascension of Jesus)后10天。"
(i) Pentecost
(the word came from Ancient Greek for "the fiftieth [day]"/ seven weeks after Easter Day; falls on the tenth day after Ascension Thursday (which itself is 40 days after Easter)
(ii) According to Christianity, resurrection (rising from the dead; still roaming on earth) of Jesus occurred three days after crucifixion, on Easter Sunday -- whereas ascension, "elevation of Christ into heaven by His own power in the presence of His disciples on the fortieth day after His Resurrection from the grave."