(b) "英国的大舰队 [grand fleet] 从那里的深水港斯卡帕伯勒 [Scapa Flow] 驶向日德兰 [Jutland] 参加战斗,6,000人再也没有回来。"
(i) Orkney https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orkney
(section 1 Origin of the name; "Orkney was the site of a Royal Navy base at Scapa Flow, which played a major role in World War I and II. * * * The southern group of islands surrounds Scapa Flow")
(ii) Dr Sam Willis, Why Was Orkney the Perfect Naval Base in World War One? BBC iWonder, undated. www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zxsppv4
"Historically, the British Grand Fleet had been based on the south coast of England, ready for any attack from continental Europe. At the start of World War One, the decision was taken to relocate the main base to Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands
"the relocation would enable the British navy to respond more quickly to movements from the German fleet based in the Baltic Sea, the base at Scapa Flow had no defences against the newest naval threat, U-boats.
Battle of Jutland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Jutland
(fought from May 31 to 1 June 1, 1916 in the North Sea, near the coast of Denmark's Jutland Peninsula; in the table is: combat ships 151 (UK) v 99 (German Empire); killed 6,094 (UK) v 2,551 (German Empire) )
(d) "在奥克尼群岛的Hoy岛上的Lyness海军公墓也举行了纪念仪式。"
Hoy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoy
(in the table is "Meaning of name[:] Old Norse for 'high island' * * * Largest settlement[:] Lyness;" The main naval base for the British fleet Scapa Flow in both the First and Second World Wars was situated at Lyness in the south-east of the island)
(e) "在奥克尼首府柯克沃尔和Lyness海军公墓的仪式纪念那次海战中沉没的25艘英国战舰和德国战舰。那次海战并没有明显的胜利方。"
Kirkwall https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirkwall
(on the northern coast of Mainland [name of the main island of Orkney, that forms the northern boundary of Scapa Flow], Orkney; The name Kirkwall comes from the Norse name Kirkjuvagr (Church Bay), which later changed to Kirkvoe, Kirkwaa and Kirkwall)
(f) "德国舰队在舍尔 [Reinhard Scheer] 上将 * * * 英国舰队的司令官海军上将约翰·杰利科爵士 [Sir John Jellicoe])