My comment: You may still recall 张丹红. See 德国之声德国之声
(section 6.1 张丹红事件: 2008年8月4日,北京奥运会开幕前四天,时任德国之声中文部副主任的张丹红)
(1) 张丹红, 闲话德国:我的融合史. 德国之声, May 27, 2016.闲话德国我的融合史/a-19282872
(a) "在科隆大学,我继续攻读日耳曼文学 * * * 我突然想了解一下德国的时政。于是我在报亭买了一份法兰克福汇报 - 这是我在中国唯一读过的德文报纸。"
(i) 法兰克福汇报 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
(1949- )
(ii) Frankfurt is the largest city (but not the capital of German state of Hesse, which is on the southeastern border of North Rhine-Westphalia (whose the largest city is Cologne).
(d) "我个人最爱的是圣马丁节: 超级哲理的歌词 ('我举灯笼走,灯笼随我行。天上星光闪烁,地上灯笼照明'),手工艺术(灯笼是父母与孩子艺术的结晶),森林行军,旺盛的篝火,还有一个无神论者也能认同的感人故事。"
(i) St Martin's Day
(Feast of Saint Martin of Tours; Nov 11; This holiday originated in France, then spread; The goose became a symbol of St Martin of Tours because of a legend that when trying to avoid being ordained bishop he [Martin] had hidden in a goose pen, where he was betrayed by the cackling of the geese; section 2.8 Germany: bonfires, procession, lanterns, songs, St Martin's goose)
(ii) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tours
is part of the pinkish mass in the center of the France map.作者: choi 时间: 6-1-2016 16:29
(2) 张丹红, 闲话德国:离别之痛. 德国之声, Oct 16, 2016 (in the section 非常德国). ... E7%97%9B/a-18786261
("专栏作者张丹红的大女儿今年高中毕业 * * * 女儿要去上大学了")
In German, the gender of "geographic place names (towns, countries, continents)" is usually neuter.
(b) "我很庆幸女儿最终选择了北威州的一个城市 - 不远又不近。"
(i) North Rhine-Westphalia
(capital is Düsseldorf; the biggest city is Cologne [where the author lives]; formed in 1946 as a merger of the northern Rhineland and Westphalia)
(ii) For name origin of Westphalia, see Eastphalia
(a historical region; section 1 Etymology)