Note: SEC v Charles C Wang, Xin Wang a/k/a Lisa Wang, Pacific Proton Therapy Regional Center, LLC et al, United States District Court for the Central District of California ("C.D.Cal." for short), Civil Action No SA CV 16 - 00974 CJC (AGRx)
(SEC "Litigation Release No 23556" on June 2, 2016)
(a) CJC denotes the initials of district judge Cormac J Carney; AGR, those of magistrate judge assigned to the case: Alicia G Rosenberg.
(b) "SACV" or "SA CV" seems to unique to that division of the court. Other "SEC Enforcement Actions" do not show "SA" in the case number of other district courts, and my speculation is there, SA stands for "SEC Enforcement Action."