Rowan Callick, Joy, Sadness and Anger for Freed Matthew Ng. The Australian, June 15, 2016. ... 167992e87da71a557c8
("Matthew Ng [吴植辉; from 广东 肇庆] * * * was told yesterday by a parole officer that he was to be released [and was released today] * * * aged 49, was jailed [had been sentenced] in China in 2011 for 11½ [most reports says '13 years'] years over claimed financial offences that do not comprise a crime in Australia * * * The bribery accusation was because he offered a board seat to the principal of a company that his firm took over — conventional practice in Western economies. In November 2014, he became the first Australian prisoner in China to be sent back to Australia under a prison transfer agreement concluded in 2011. His beloved daughter Isabella starved herself to death, aged 14, after her father was sentenced [in China]. * * * his wife, Niki Chow, is undergoing treatment in Liverpool Hospital for [breast] cancer")