My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest, which is duplicate.
(b) It is 10 am EDT, June 16. So far there is no transcript of the press conference . However, the following report carries a video of the entire press conference, lasting 1 hour and 22 minutes and conducted in Cantonese.
(a) 香港01
(b) My translation of Cantonese (of which I am a natuve speaker):
(i) 「日日睇住個天」 睇住=看著; 個 is short for 嗰個 (Cantonese pronunciation: go2 go3): "that one (as a pronoun); that (as an article)"
(ii) 「我哋係正規嘅書店」 我哋=我們; 係=是; 嘅=的
(iii) 「堂堂咁大一個中國,可以對一個書商,認為佢違反咗中國法律,係可以咁樣對待? 佢=他/她 (but never it); 咗=了(basically no meaning)
* 咁 (an adverb in the first instance and an adjective in the second; pronounced "gam3"): "that, this"
(iv) "「我唔識 * * * 如果我都唔講」 唔=不; 識=認識
(v) 「佢哋係中央專案組」 佢哋=他/她 們
* 晒 (adv): "1 entirely; completely; wholly; 2 very much"
(vii) 「响香港畀人帶咗上去」 畀=被
* 响 (preposition): "in, on, at, from"
(viii) 「有咩好後悔啫」
* 有咩 (咩 pronounced "me1"): "有什麼"
* 啫: "[final particle] merely, only, that's all (used mainly to play down a fact and convey a sense of reassurance)" (brackets original)
* 點=怎麼
* 現實: "real (adjective; as here); reality (noun)"
(x) A quotation about the half point of the report: 點解中國政府响我過關時,毫無聲息,將我拘留?
* 點解=為什麼
* 在粤语中,'在' 怎么表达?, June 8, 2014.
Take notice that in Cantonese 喺 and 係 -- pronounced the same but different tone: the former is hai2 and the latter, hai6 -- have different meanings: 喺=在 whereas 係=是.