Note: "事隔两年,大维霍尔将他检察官生涯最后一个案件,也是他侦办过的唯一一起中国网络犯罪案,写成一本书 'Crack 99。' "
(a) David Hall, Crack99; The takedown of a $100 million Chinese software pirate. WW Norton, 2015.
(b) takedown (n):
"North American
1. a wrestling maneuver in which an opponent is swiftly brought to the mat from a standing position.
2. informal a police raid or arrest."
I find the above atop the search returns (likely from Google itself) when I google "takedown." I immediately know the definitions are correct (especially definition 2) because the latter matches the context of this word that I haave seen for a few years but can not find an online English dictionary whose definition fits.