(a) The German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) surname Dreyer is a "nickname derived from [Modern] German drei 'three,' Middle High German dri(e), with the addition of the suffix -er. This was the name of a medieval coin worth three hellers (see Heller [as in Helen Heller, the blind and deaf American]), and it is possible that the German surname may have been derived from this word. More probably, the nickname is derived from some other connection with the number three, too anecdotal to be even guessed at now."
(i) Hesse
(German Hessen; The term "Hesse" ultimately derives from a Germanic tribe called the Chatti, who settled in the region in the first century BC; Rhineland-Palatinate on its southwest)
(ii) Hessian (n): "The place name [Hesse] is from Latin Hassi/Hatti/Chatti, the Latinized form of the name of the Germanic people the Romans met in northern Germany (Greek Khattoi). The meaning of the name is unknown."作者: choi 时间: 7-7-2016 15:54
(2) 中国维权律师妻子集体上访最高检.中国维权律师妻子集体上访最高检/a-19386016
(summary: "监视、恐吓、被当成罪犯一般——她们之所以受到这样的对待只是因为她们的丈夫是被中共当局关押的律师或者维权人士。近日 [July 4],5位维权律师的妻子一起到北京最高人民检察院上访": 李和平的妻子王峭岭, 王全璋的妻子李文足, 谢阳的妻子陈贵秋, 翟岩民妻子刘二敏/ 赵威已于今天(7月7日)交保候审)
Note: The AFP report has a fifth couple that does not show up in the DW report: 樊丽丽, wife of 勾洪国. I google, and the AFP report requires subscription in order to read it! (Something I hae not encountered before.) Luckily Taipei Times re-published it (in the July 8 newspaper), retaining the title.