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标题: 兩岸是特殊國與國: 台司法院長被提名人 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 10-16-2016 12:50
标题: 兩岸是特殊國與國: 台司法院長被提名人
本帖最后由 choi 于 10-16-2016 17:33 编辑

Today's news first, with the English report summarizing the Chinese-language reports.

(1) Lawrence Chung, Judiciary Nominee Sparks Questions on Tsai's Endgame. South China Morning Post, Oct 16, 2016.
http://www.scmp.com/news/china/a ... tions-tsais-endgame
("At a confirmation hearing, Hsu was asked by Kuomintang legislator Wang Yu-min about an article Hsu wrote in 1996 in which he said the Republic of China, as Taiwan is formally known, was 'factually and legally independent from all other nations, including the People's Republic of China.' * * * ]Hsu was] a member of the Council of Grand Justices [, which is literal translation; official translation: Justices of the Constitutional Court; 大法官會議] * * * His [HSU Tzong-li's] remarks, which echo the controversial 'state-to-state' theory espoused by former president Lee Teng-hui in 1999 [three years later]")

(i) 鄭鴻達, 司法院長被提名人// 許宗力:兩岸是特殊國與國; 立院審查 指兩岸似東西德. Liberty Times, Oct 14, 2016

* 許宗力, 兩岸關係法律定位百年來的演變與最新發展. 元照出版公司: 月旦法學雜誌, 12: 39-47 (1996).
(ii) 施曉光, 許宗力國與國論述 陸委會切割.

(b) 《壹號頭條》前妻傷心移民出家 準司法院長許宗力婚姻揭祕. 壹週刊, Aug 31, 2016.

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