(a) Paragraph 3 follows a photo. Do not miss it (I did, until accidentally discovered paragraph 3).
(b) PPAP -- Pen Pineapple Apple Pen
(i) Heather Chen. How a 'Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen' Earworm Took over the Internet. BBC, Sep[t 27, 2016.
(sing title in katakana: ペンパイナッポーアッポーペン; "was performed by animal print-clad DJ Piko-Taro [ピコ太郎], a fictional character played by Japanese entertainer Kazuhiko KOSAKU (古坂 和仁, which is birth name 本名 and whose stage name 芸名 is Dai-ma-ō KOSAKU 古坂大魔王")
(4) 鍾麗華, 訪台? 達賴:只要你們準備好 我隨時都可來. Liberty Times, Oct 24, 2016
("總統蔡英文指派遠景基金會董事長陳唐山為特使,赴捷克出席「公元二○○○論壇(Forum 2000)」,陳前天返國。他昨受訪時指出,此行兩度與西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛會晤,並以「個人名義」邀請達賴訪台,達賴向他表示,「只要你們準備好,我隨時都可以來(I’m ready as long as you’re ready)」")