(a) 王山, 联调局重启 '电邮门' 调查 希拉里选情急挫. http://cn.rfi.fr/%E6%94%BF%E6%B2 ... 5%E6%80%A5%E6%8C%AB
(the last paragraph: "对于联调局态度的突然转变,华尔街目瞪口呆,接着便笼罩一片恐慌气氛。受这一消息影响,美股、美元暴跌,美元指数跌幅逾50点;黄金则上涨,黄金现货突破1280关口,凤凰金融服务(Phoenix Financial Services)首席市场分析师考夫曼(Wayne Kaufman)表示:'市场被希拉里再受调查的消息搞晕了。大多数人认为希拉里将赢得大选,突然,水又变混了' ")
My comment: There is non eed to read the rest.
(b) Sara Sjolin and Ryan Vlastelica, Stock Market Closes Lower on FBI Probe into Clinton Emails;S&P 500, Nasdaq Composite book weekly losses, Dow ends little-changed; Shares of Amazon slump after results, offsetting Alphabet gain. Market Watch (an online brand of DowJones, which owns WSJ), Oct 28, 2016 http://www.marketwatch.com/story ... gdp-data-2016-10-28
(" 'This throws such a monkey wrench into anyone's ability to predict what will happen over the next couple of weeks,' said Wayne Kaufman, chief market analyst at Phoenix Financial Services. 'Most people had been predicting a Clinton victory, and all of a sudden the waters are muddied again. Markets hate uncertainty more than anything else' ")