Heritage Foundation:
* one of three co-founders is Edwin Feulner;
* president since 2013 is Jim DeMint (US senator from S Carolina 2005-2013, Republican; predecessor Feulner);
* executive vice president Bret Bernhardt
* vice president There are so many vice presidents there: more than five. The one at issue is James Jay Carafano, PhD http://www.heritage.org/about/staff/c/james-carafano
(b) "為川普助選有功的共和黨全國委員會主席蒲博思去年十月就率團訪台。今年七月台灣觀選團到克利夫蘭出席共和黨全代會也受到蒲博思的熱情接待。"
Today presidenttrump chooses Reince Priebus as White House Chief of Staff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reince_Priebus
(Reinhold Richard "Reince" Priebus; 1972- ; Priebus is of German and Greek descent; bachelor's cum laude 1993 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater; 1998 JD cum laude University of Miami; Chair of the Republican National Committee 2011-2017)
Priebus is a German surname. Ethically he is reportedly 1/8 English.