(1) Three weeks ago, the following appeared.
(a) 姚明拒签丰田1.6亿代言费,为何宁背骂名也要让女儿入美国国籍. 互联网的新鲜事儿/ 百家号, 百度, Oct 28, 2016. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1549398737408332
(b) Of note: This is the home page of 互联网的新鲜事儿
, where (1)(a) is listed near the bottom of the it (home page: latest first).
(2) Few paid attention until three days ago.
黃一恒, 姚明辱華與港人自決. 聚言時報 Polymer, Nov 17, 2016. http://polymerhk.com/articles/2016/11/17/36029/
("近日經常往東莞出差,上Facebook和Google看新聞頗有不便,迫著要看百度,觀世態,卻有好笑發現。我從百度看到一篇題為《姚明拒簽豐田1.6億代言費,為何寧背罵名也要讓女兒入美國國籍》的文章,內容實屬可笑。 民族英雄不讓女兒當中國人粗暴辱華 [the preceding is the sectional heading] 人生而自由,要移民、或讓子女入哪個國籍,都是個人選擇。但在甚麼事情都拉扯到民族主義的中國,卻會製造笑話。身為中華兒女民族英雄的姚明,自己本身是美國籍已經為人詬病,現在他連女兒也不放過,把女兒亦加到美國籍!看看新聞標題已經夠嚇人了,「寧背罵名」,證明他本身已經知道是錯的,卻死不悔改,不聽勸諫,偏要「讓女兒入美國國籍」不可。姚明身為國家民族英雄,如此不要臉,豈不辱華?")
Traditional Chinese characters in original.
(3) It is 4 pm, Sunday, Nov 20. the following was published 13 hours ago (according to Google), which is then widely re-published.