(a) It is 12 noon, Jan 12 EST. Google times the report "23 hours ago."
(b) Japanese-English dictionary:
* koku-mu-ji-kan-ho 国務次官補 【こくむじかんほ】 (n): "Assistant Secretary of State"
* 国務次官補 【こくむじかんほ】 (n) Assistant Secretary of State
(アメリカ合衆国国務省: 国務長官 secretary of state > 副長官 deputy secretary > 次官 under secretary > 次官補 assistant secretary)
* tachiyoru 立ち寄る 【たちよる】 (v): "to stop by; to drop in for a short visit"
* ka-i-shoku会食 【かいしょく】 (n,v): "dining together"
* muka-u 向かう 【むかう】 (v): "(1) to face; (2) to go towards; to head towards"
(c) You can see for yourself that at the top of the Web page is "The Japan News[;] by the Yomiuri Shimbun."
(d) Unlike Mr Edwin Feulner, Mr Lohman did not issue denial of meeting with president Tsai (in part because Taiwanese news media did not mention him physically in Houston).