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标题: 台湾宪法法庭将决定禁止同性结婚是否违宪 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 2-10-2017 13:04
标题: 台湾宪法法庭将决定禁止同性结婚是否违宪
陈民峰, 禁止同性结婚是否违宪?台湾大法官会议将召开宪法法庭公开辩论. 法广, Feb 10, 2017.
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC ... 0%E8%BE%A9%E8%AE%BA

(i) "蔡英文在去年五月就职后,十月产生七位新任大法官,其中有五位对同性婚姻表达了友善的态度"


section 2.2 任命程序 (in toto):

"依中華民國憲法增修條文第5條 [憲法第二次增修 (1991): 明定司法院大法官組成憲法法庭] 規定而產生。

"大法官十五人,並以其中一人為院長、一人為副院長,由總統提名、經立法院同意任命之。 * * *

"大法官之任期八年,不分屆次,個別計算,並不得連任;但並為院長、副院長之大法官,不受任期之保障 [may be truncated by president]。

(ii) in English: 15 grand justices form the Council of Grand Justices of Judicial Yuan

(b) "定3月24日极罕见地召开宪法法庭,邀请四位学者专家在宪法法庭展开言词辩论,开庭过程并将全面直播。"

Article III of the US Constitution requires that federal courts deals with "case or controversy" only -- not engage in theoretical debates. So federal courts must have a plaintiff (who must have standing to sue, in civil cases) and and a defendant.

In Taiwan, most of the time 司法院大法官會議 (rarely 司法院大法官審理, which speaks volume) has no litigation party before it, and its decision 可大可小 in terms of scope, and vague.

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