(2) Megan Eckstein, '3rd Fleet Forward' One of Several Tools to Deter North Korean Aggression. USNI News, Feb 22, 2017 https://news.usni.org/2017/02/22 ... h-korean-aggression
(Vice Adm Joseph Aucoin, commander of US 7th Fleet, and Nora W Tyson, commander of US 7th Fleet, at WEST 2017)
My comment:
(a) In this report, while the bogeyman is North Korea, South China sea is mentioned once as a potential flash point.
(b) Admiral Harry B Harris Jr is commander of United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Pacific_Command
(section 3 Force structure)
and superior of these two vice admirals.
(c) West 2017 www.westconference.org/West17/Public/Enter.aspx
(Feb 21-23, 2017, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, Ca; "The premier naval conference and exposition on the West Coast, WEST is now in its 27th year of bringing military and industry leaders together")
Click Information" on the top horizontal bar, and you will see the talks of these two vice admirals yesterday (Feb 21).
(d) Nora W Tyson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nora_W._Tyson
(In 2015 she was installed as the new commander of the Navy's Third Fleet, making her the first woman to lead a US Navy ship fleet)
(e) A vice admiral is "senior to a rear admiral and junior to an admiral." en.wikipedia.org