The link is no longer active. So at the bottom I reproduce the letter to editor.
(b) 林修卉, 郝柏村說228只死500人 綠委:沒有南京大屠殺嗎? NOWnews 今日新聞, Feb 21, 2012.郝柏 ... 嗎-030854916.html
("2006年 * * * 成立 [的] 今日傳媒股份有限公司,自2008年4月1日,自東森集團購入【東森新聞報】,並更名為【NOWnews今日新聞】,網域改為,是台灣第一 [ie, '最大'] 原生 [ie, primary] 網路新聞媒體公司")
(a) A biologist by training, I pursue truth. After coming to US, I learn from Americans that it takes courage to speak up one's mind, especially when it is not the mainstream.
(b) I am agnostic about existence of Rape of Nanking. But I am aware that the figure of 300,000 death was made up by the KMT government, which People's Republic of China picks up.