(a) Mar 10: The Future of US-Taiwan Policy: Taiwan's National Power in Context. Global Taiwan Institute, undated ... an-policy-with-nbr/
(Home> Events> Public Seminar Series: "The National Bureau of Asian Research and the Global Taiwan Institute invite you to attend 'The Future of US-Taiwan Policy: Taiwan's National Power in Context.' This public seminar will feature Strategic Asia program contributors Steven Goldstein (Harvard University), Robert Sutter (The George Washington University), and David Gitter (Party Watch), as well as Tiffany Ma (The National Bureau of Asian Research) and Scott Harold (RAND). David An (The Global Taiwan Institute) will serve as moderator")
As I explain before, the DC-based Global Taiwan Institute was recently founded by Taiwanese businessmen.
(b) Scott Warren HAROLD. Associate Director, Center for Asia Pacific Policy, Rand International, undated.
(c) National Bureau of Asian Research
(1989- ; nonprofit, research institution based in Seattle, Washington, with a branch office in Washington, DC)
(d) About Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD).
"• In April 2013, the US Army conducted the first-ever operational deployment of a THAAD battery [in Guam].
"• THAAD has a 100 percent mission success rate in 13 consecutive flight tests since 2005, including 11-for-11 successful intercepts.
"• The United Arab Emirates (UAE) became the first International partner to procure the THAAD system with a contract awarded in December 2011.
* Despite not being dated, this two-page brochure hints that it was written in or before 2015: " The US Army is scheduled to activate the 5th of 7 programmed THAAD batteries in 2015