"布鲁金斯学会东亚政策中心主任卜睿哲(Richard Bush) [Richard C Bush III was chairman of the board of American Institute in Taiwan (1997-2002)] 星期三受 [VOA Chinese] 访时说,过去台湾议题美方通常是由中方先提出然后被动回应,这次是否如此则无法得知。不过他认为,台湾不会是优先议题。 卜睿哲说:'我认为朝鲜是第一个议题,贸易是第2'
(a) JSOW and HARM stand for "Joint Standoff Weapon" and "High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile," respectively. The names say it all.
(b) Though en.wikipedia.org says, in the page for AGM-88 HARM, that Taiwan is an "operator" of this missile, my search in the Web shows that US has never sold it to Taiwan.
(c) In the page for "AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon," Wiki says Taiwwan is not an operator.
(d) VOA Chinese says, "射程达100公里以上的AGM-154联合遥攻武器(JSOW)."
(a) "台湾政治大学国际关系研究中心主任丁树范 * * *:* * * [Taowan is not among priorities for China. Reasons:] 中国经济现在很糟糕,放慢了速度,6.5% (经济增长预期目标)有灌水的成份。这些东西弄得不好,可能会影响到十九大的安排。 [He offers no evidence.]
"The Obama administration blocked a $1 billion arms sale to Taiwan in December [for $1b, without identifying what would be sold in this report] that was needed to improve the island's defenses despite approval from the State Department and Pentagon, according to Trump administration officials.
"The new Trump administration is now preparing to provide more and better defensive arms to Taiwan, said administration officials familiar with internal discussions of the arms sale. The new arms package, however, is not expected to be made public until after Trump meets with Chinese leader Xi Jinping [early] next month.
"Taiwan is expected to be a major topic of discussion for both the [Trump-Xi] summit and Tillerson's visit. * * * a White House official said of the arms package[:] 'The Trump administration takes America's commitment to Taiwan's security very seriously.'
"The approved package was held up [in December 2018] by Avril D Haines, the Obama White House deputy national security adviser. Haines did not return an email seeking comment.
"Taiwan in January began upgrading its force of 144 F-16s. The jets will be outfitted with active electronically scanned array fire-control radar that analysts say can detect radar-evading stealth aircraft. New avionics equipment also is being added
is a woman.
(b) Avril is noun masculine, the FRENCH counterpart of April (in English). Both share the same Old French and (further back) Latin roots. See April.
Online Etymology Dictionary, undated. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=April
(c) The surname Haines is variant of Haynes.
(i) The English surname Haynes have various origins, and thus meanings.
(ii) The Irish surname Haynes is "variant of Hines."
Whether English or Irish, Haines/ Haynes are pronounced the same, with the vowel sounding the same as "eye."