My comment:
(a) It is 4:20 pm EST, Sunday, Mar 19, 2017.
(b) As of now, (1)(a) remains but VOA Chinese has deleted (1)(b).
(c) Regarding (1)(b).
(i) Google has a cache of the TEXT. https://webcache.googleuserconte ... cache:wVLHwuQKtrgJ:[/url]
(with Mr Wang Dang's image at the left upper corner of the snapshot: "蒂勒森在会见中国外交部长王毅之后,说 '坚持一个中国政策' " whose entire text is reproduced -- in toto, word for word -- and attached below)
* On the other hand, the same Google cache URL has a different snapshot (without Wang Dang and one-sentence text: https://webcache.googleuserconte ... cache:wVLHwuQKtrgJ:[/url]
("美国国务卿蒂勒森首次出访中日韩,强调美日韩之间的铁三角关系,并与中国国家主席习近平会面,聚焦朝核问题。蒂勒森此行是否也是为即将登场的川习会铺路? 朝核问题又将如何牵动美中台关系?")
MY recommendation is that you search these two caches with the quotation from each cache.
(ii) VOA海峡论谈蒂勒森访中如何牵动美中台关系., published by "lianbo自由世界看中国联播" on Mar 19, 2017 (length: 32:05) (Google: "2 hours ago")/
(d) Please take notice that (1)(b) says "之后," whereas (1)(a) did not say when Mr Rex Tillerson made the statement at issue (but suggested it was 会谈中, because the previous sentence was "王毅同蒂勒森的会谈中."
(e) "会谈中" came from China's source, not America's. See
(A) 王毅同美国国务卿蒂勒森举行会谈. Mar 18, 2017.
("2017年3月18日,外交部长王毅在北京同来访的美国国务卿蒂勒森举行会谈。 * * * 王毅阐述了中方在台湾和南海等问题上的原则立场,强调双方要尊重彼此的核心利益和重大关切 * * * 蒂勒森表示 * * * 美方愿同中方一道,按照特朗普总统同习近平主席达成的共识,坚持一个中国的政策")
(B) So far, People's Daily, Xinhua or Global Times, has not mentioned anything like this. Rather it is 中国之声.
The remark does not mention Taiwan or "One China."
(iii) But when is the "press availability" held? Before or after the Wang-Tillerson meeting? It appears that, besides VOA Chinese, Associated Press is the only that, in English, points out the timing, not in the text but in the photo legend (Reuters does not).
(A) 张蓉湘, 蒂勒森王毅北京会谈. VOA Chinese, Mar 18, 2017
(B) Christopher Bodeen, In Beijing, Tillerson urges China-US cooperation on N. Korea. AP, Mar 18, 2017 ... 8ecb95cfd87255e9e46
("US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, left, and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi shake hands at the end of a joint press conference following their meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, China, Saturday, March 18, 2017. * * * ")
(f) That same day (Mar 18) Taiwan might have noticed that China alone, but not US (at least not immediately) made the remark at issue ("One China") and had a pre-emptive strike.
陈民峰, 陆委会:大陆单方阐述对台立场不代表台湾的主张与关切. 法广, Mar 19, 2017. ... E%E5%85%B3%E5%88%87
(g) So far, no American news report talks about this.
(h) China's government repeatedly lies about this issue. I will not have paid any attention to it. But today is different: VOA Chinese has two reports on this, so I decide to investigate.