(a) There is a Facebook page titled 謝金河投資理財.
(b) "TSMC 存託憑證 [American depositary receipt (ADR)] 在美國市值 [market capitalization] 都超過Intel"
(i) "An American depositary receipt (ADR, and sometimes spelled depository) is a negotiable security that represents securities of a non-U.S. company that trades in the U.S. financial markets" (under the title: American depositary receipt)
(ii) American Depositary Receipts. US Securities and Exchange Commission, Jan 31, 2007
(iii) ADR Basics: What Is An ADR? Investopedia, undated.
Of note, American Stock Exchange was acquired in 2008 by NYSE Euronext, and now operates under the name "NYSE MKT LLC" (since 2012).
The "mkt" represents "market," as far as I can tell. The LLC is the first letters of "limited liability company."