My comment:
(a) I try hard, but can not find this photo.
(b) However, 最后一排右2 was indeed Mr Kao. I was doubtful because the person in that position was tall. Then I found his photos in the Web an dhe indeed looks like that. I can not find his height.
(c) "部长级" is correct (English: ministers). on Mar 22, 2017 US Department of State issued two press releases on this event. They are:
(a) Statement by Ministers of the Global Coalition: Meeting on the Defeat of ISIS
(b) List of Participants: Meeting of the Ministers of the Global Coalition -- Working to Defeat ISIS.
(arranged alphabetically by participants, a word that appears in the title but not in text: "Taiwan[:] The Honorable Stanley Kao[,] Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States")