(i) 张麟征 (traditional Chinese: 張麟徵)
(1939- (age 78); 生于中华民国重庆,籍贯浙江; 1966年,取得巴黎大学国际法博士学位)
(ii) 张亚中 (1954- ; born in Taiwan, 籍贯 unknown to me; 政治大学政治学博士, 汉堡大学哲学暨社会学院哲学博士; currently: 台湾大学政治系教授, 两岸统合学会理事长)
(iii) 杨伟中, a man, is a journalist-turned politician, noted throughout for blunt talks. Once 洪秀柱 was elected acting chairperson of KMT *assuming office on Mar 30, 2016, she expelled him. Currently Mr 杨 is an independent (not a DPP member, that is).
* There is no need to read content; I just wants to show, through the title, where he stands in political spectrum of Taiwan politics.
(d) 王寓中, 孫文學校張亞中邀請馬英九 共論其歷史功過. 聯合報, Mar 19, 2017.