(a) "罗伯特.史帕丁准将(Brigadier General Robert Spalding III )已在美国空军服役26年,他是B-2幽灵 [B-2 Spirit] 战略轰炸机,以及B-52轰炸机的飞行员。但他对于战略也很有兴趣,所以在美国国防部的语言学院上中文课,也曾经到上海同济大学学习中文,现在能讲流利的中文跟西班牙语。他曾任美国国防部 '中国、蒙古与台湾科' 科长,以及五角大楼战略规划与政策办公室的幕僚。他最近的职务是美国驻中国北京大使馆武官。而在本星期一,就是2017年6月19号,新的人事命令宣布他担任白宫国家安全会战略规划高级主任 [senior director, strategic planning]。由于人事令是在本周一发布的"
(i) "In the United States Army, United States Air Force and United States Marine Corps, a brigadier general is a one-star general officer. It is equivalent to the rank of rear admiral (lower half) in the other uniformed services."
(ii) "在美国国防部的语言学院上中文课"
"General Spalding received his commission through Fresno State University’s Reserve Officer Training Corps program in 1991. * * *
1987 BS in agricultural business, Fresno State University, Calif
1993 MS in agricultural business, Fresno State University, Calif
* * *
2007 Doctorate in economics and mathematics, University of Missouri, Kansas City
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2008 MS in strategic studies, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala
* * *
6. June 2001 - June 2002, Chinese-Mandarin student, Defense Language Institute, Monterey, Calif.
7. July 2002 - April 2004, Olmsted Scholar, Tongji University, Shanghai
* * *
17. July 2013 - June 2014, military fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, New York
18. June 2014 - July 2016, chief, China, Mongolia, Taiwan Division, Joint Staff, J-5, the Pentagon, Washington, DC
19. December 2016 - present, United States senior defense official and defense attaché to China, Beijing
* * *
* * *
'Businessmen's Risk Perception in China following the 1999 Chinese Embassy bombing and the 2001 EP-3 Incident,' doctoral dissertation, Proquest Dissertations, 2007"
(A) Proquest
(content includ[es] dissertations and theses, among others)
is a company that manages a research database.
(B) J5 is a division of in many American military units, from Joint Chief of Staff (whose J5 is also known as "Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate") to United States Africa Command (where J5 is "Strategy, Plans, and Programs")
(C) Joint Chiefs of Staff
(section 4.1 Directorates of the Joint Staff)
(D) I search the Web with the both Pentagon and "China, Mongolia, Taiwan Division," or just "Taiwan division," -- even "China, Mongolia, Taiwan" -- and only (a)(iii) comes up. So something is wrong with that term.
(E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs. US Department of Defense, undated ... c-Security-Affairs/
( ASD (APSA) ; portfolio includes "East Asia (EAS): China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Japan, South Korea, and North Korea") 作者: choi 时间: 6-22-2017 12:08 本帖最后由 choi 于 6-22-2017 12:12 编辑
(b) "尖阁诸岛(中国城 [sic] 钓鱼岛) – 史帕丁准将认为在法律上这属于日本。他写道:'1951年的和平协议,日本将尖阁诸岛,以及冲绳交给美国托管。1972年美国根据冲绳返还协议归还日本。' '钓鱼岛或许被画在清帝国地图上,但中国以军事力量强取,是单方面试图破坏政治与经济的现状。' "
(i) Robert S Spalding III, Being Firm With China. Council on Foreign Relations, Dec 30, 2013 (blog).
two consecutive paragraphs:
"While returning to the Imperial China status quo seems unlikely in the current world order, China has been gradually growing in military power in Asia. The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute represents only one of the many territorial claims that China has pursued militarily with former vassal states. While a Chinese territorial claim can be made on the basis of history, it is equivalent to discounting the current world order that has allowed China to become an economic powerhouse.
"Recent precedent under the current economic and political system suggests that Japanese territorial claims are valid. In 1953, the 1951 Treaty of Peace with Japan placed the Senkaku Islands under the administration of the United States as part of Okinawa. In 1972, the United States relinquished rights and interests to Japan under Article III of the Treaty of Peace with Japan in the Okinawa Reversion Agreement. Imperial Chinese maps may show Diaoyu Islands as a Chinese territory, but [PRC's] militarily enforcing the claim represents a unilateral attempt to upset the status quo political and economic system that has energized China’s recent economic and military revival.
(ii) The above is sketchy.
(iii) Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan 日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約, in truth, did not mention Okinawa, let alone Senkaku islands.
(iii) General Spaulding was wrong, in that there was no new authority in 1953 to occupy Okinawa, which US had occupied (along with the rest of Japan) since 1945.
(A) occupation of Japan
("The occupation, codenamed Operation Blacklist, was ended by the San Francisco Peace Treaty, signed on September 8, 1951, and effective from Apr 28, 1952, after which Japan's sovereignty – with the exception, until 1972, of the Ryukyu Islands – was fully restored")
(B) history of the Ryukyu Islands
("Effective US control continued even after the end of the occupation of Japan as a whole in 1952. The United States dollar was the official currency used, and cars drove on the right, American-style, as opposed to on the left as in Japan. The islands switched to driving on the left in 1978, six years after they were returned to Japanese control. The US used their time as occupiers to build large army, air force, navy, and marine bases on Okinawa")