(i) "美国媒体报道,双方谈到了朝鲜问题和台湾问题。" It is unclear which 美国媒体 -- definitely not Reuters. See (iv).
(ii) "就在过去的周末 [June 30, 外交部发言人陆慷主持例行记者会時],中国外交部说,1984年签订的解决香港问题的中英联合公报已经成为历史不具现实意义。马上有很多网友指出,若解决香港问题的中英联合声明已成历史,那么,旨在处理台湾问题的美中三个联合公报也不应例外。
(iii) "川普和习近平这次通话到底谈了些什么? 新华社周一发了一个简短报道,基本上是说,两人就两国关系泛泛而谈。报道没有提到 '台湾问题,' 只是说 '涉台问题。' 新华的报道也没有提到 '朝鲜问题,' 只是在报道接近尾声时说了一句:'双方还谈及朝鲜半岛和平稳定等问题。' "
(iv) "而路透社周一报道说:两国领导人重申致力于朝鲜半岛的无核化。路透社说,川普对中方不能更好驾驭朝鲜而日益不满。"
Not 不满. See Jeff Mason, Trump Discusses North Korea Threat in Calls with China, Japan Leaders. Reuters, July 3, 2017
("Trump has become increasingly frustrated with China's inability to rein in North Korea")
(v) "邓聿文曾是中国中央党校的学者,因在朝鲜问题上大胆建言而被撤职,现在是独立作家。"
bromance (n): "informal a close but nonsexual relationship between two men" Google
(ii) "美国上星期在北京一家新开业的豪华酒店内的牛排餐厅,举办了一场庆祝中国解除对进口美国牛肉禁令的活动,参加者大快朵颐。 * * * 不过,上星期四美国政府同时发表两项声明,给这场庆祝活动蒙上阴影。"
On Friday, June 30, in Beijing, Ambassador to China Terry Branstad (who had arrived in Beijing on June 27); US Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue; Nebraska Department of Agriculture Director Greg Ibach; Craig Uden, president of National Cattlemen's Beef Association; and Luan Richeng, of state-owned Chinese importer COFCO
ceremonially cuts into a (cooked) Nebraska prime rib. No report says it was a restaurant or anybody ate it. It was just a ceremonially cut; though the Nebraska chunk was huge (about the size of four loaves of bread), it is not as it could feed a hundred.
My comment: This report was written a day after the flurry of announcement on Thursday, June 29. It said nothing important; there is no need to read it. This CNN report does not use bromance.