(a) China's embassy in US said the ambassador today gave a talk at the annual conference of The Institute for China-America Studies. The title of his speech: Prospects and Challenges for US-China Relations
(i) There is no Wiki page for ICAS.
(ii) Isaac Stone Fish, Beijing Establishes a DC Think Tank, and No One Notices. Foreign Policy, July 7, 2016 ... nk-south-china-sea/
("the Institute for China-American Studies (ICAS) — the only Chinese think tank based in Washington D.C. — has been unable to rise from obscurity. Google their initials and they come up on the third page, behind the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, the International Council of Air Shows, and the Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope, a tribe in Alaska. It has all of 46 Twitter followers")
(iii) Jeremy Page, New Chinese Institute to Tackle Thorny Island Dispute. Wall Street Journal, May 1, 2015 ... -dispute-1430523945
(about ICAS: "a Chinese organization focused on the disputed South China Sea has set up what its founders say is China's first think tank inside the Washington Beltway")