My comment:
(a) Despite the title, the text is about 深蓝团体孙文学校自办双十庆典茶会, and about deep division within KMT, with renegades excoriating the establishment.
(b) "台湾大学政治系教授张麟征"
Firstly that is a woman, not a man. Secondly she is not a professor, but a professor emerita -- if you learn her age, you will guess so. See 张麟征張麟徵
(1939年- ; 生于中华民国重庆,籍贯浙江平湖; 台湾大学政治系荣誉教授; 支持中国和平统一,希望台湾民众接受一国两制)
(c) "孙文学校的双十庆典,未见国民党现任高层党职出席,前主席洪秀柱也未现身。"
孙文学校 was founded by 洪秀柱.
(d) "洪秀柱时代的前国民党副主席陈镇湘退将致词也质疑:'中华民国的宪法,本来就是『一中』宪法,我们为什么不敢讲?我们为什么要讲『不统』,『不统』是违宪的,各位说对不对?' 陈镇湘反问现在蓝营为什么不敢再讲 '三民主义统一中国?' 是国民党放弃自己的原则、立场、话语权与核心价值,才落得今天的地步。"
馬英九在2008年總統大選中提出 不統、不獨、不武 no unification, no independence and no use of force.
(e) "前国民党发言人毛嘉庆"
He was a spokesperson under KMT chairperson 洪秀柱 but quickly removed by newly elected chairman 吴敦义. All characters in this reports are associated with 孙文学校, and attended its 双十庆典茶会.