My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this report.
(b) 陶力 and 牟雅菲, 数字经济驶入快车道 中国互联网发展水平居全球第二. 21世纪经济报道, Dec 5, 2017
("12月4日,在第四届世界互联网大会上,中国网络空间研究院首次发布了《世界互联网发展报告2017》和《中国互联网发展报告2017》蓝皮书。 * * * 从各国得分来看,美国以57.66分排名第一,中国、韩国、日本、英国位居第二至第五位。 * * * 报告指出,2016年,中国数字经济规模总量达22.58万亿元,跃居全球第二,占GDP比重达30.3%")
My comment: China is often ridiculous.
(a) 数字经济 digital economy
(b) Neither 世界互联网发展报告2017 nor 中国互联网发展报告201 is available in the Web. I also read English-language news reports published by official media of China, which is not more detailed.
(i) The problem with the so called new, digital economy is that most of what happens in the Web can not be valued, such as my writing and your reading, of this posting. See, eg,
(A) Vitor Gaspar, Measuring the Digital Economy. IMF, Nov 16, 2017 (at The 5th IMF Statistical Forum) ... the-digital-economy
("what do we mean by 'the digital economy'? ")
(B) Irving Wladawsky-Berger, GDP Doesn’t Work In A Digital Economy. CIO Journal (a brad of Dow Jones), Nov 3, 2017. ... -a-digital-economy/
(C) Leonard Nakamura, Jon Samuels and Rachel Soloveichik, Measuring the 'Free' Digital Economy within the GDP and Productivity Accounts. Oct 24, 2017 (working paper No 17-37). ... rs/2017/wp17-37.pdf
(ii) Online purchase can be measured, and has been incorporated into GDP calculation of various nations. 作者: choi 时间: 12-6-2017 14:26
(2) 海蓝, 吉林省官媒罕有全版刊防核知识 增朝鲜半岛局势忧虑. RFA, Dec 6, 2017