My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest, much of which repeats the original.
(b) 程惕洁 TJ CHENG (1943- (born in 河北省饶阳县); male; "1967年内蒙师大英语系毕业。1982年中国社科院世界经济政治研究所硕士毕业。1982年赴美深造,先后获纽约州立大学社会学硕士和博士,任研究员和助理教授等职。2000年至今,任澳门大学社会科学及人文学院助理教授、课程主任、副教授") 社会科学文献出版社, undated.
Note: 一鑊粥 in Cantonese = 一塌糊塗 in Mandarin (鑊 = "wok" in English-- in dact, the speeling of the English word wok came from 鑊)
(b) 刘新宇, 行政手段难解制度雾霾 俄媒对中国环保问题洞若观火. RFA, Dec 21, 2017 ... 12212017113512.html
("俄罗斯 '消息报' 也报道说,湖南省长沙市政府因天气寒冷而限制给家庭供应天然气")
My comment: There os no need to read the rest of either report, which is inane.