(a) 王睿辩护律师"魏千峰表示,当年陆宁、石坚、苏黔龙三人驾船到台湾接王睿和杨罗旖旎,五人都是想去美国,无意愿留台湾"
(i) This is what happened, also in chronological order.
(A) 邱俊福, 余瑞仁, 鄭淑婷 and 謝武雄, 改正體船名 掛我國國旗/中國遊艇變裝 接應滯台中客. Liberty Times, Sept 16, 2015
(B) my posting titled 马政府遣返杨罗旖旎 and dated Sept 25, 2015:
(ii) All in all, 王睿 was in Taiwan for three years, prior to his departure for US.
(b) "美国在台协会发言人游诗雅." The English name of the female diplomat is Sonia URBOM.