Until today, I was clueless that there were residential colleges in US, and that Harvard college was one. I ate at their dining hall (my word) at one of their dormitory, invited by a student who lived there. It did not seem to be different from a college cafeteria -- though a bit more formal (more life a high-class restaurant, I will say).
(b) Trinity College (University of Melbourne) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_College_(University_of_Melbourne)
(2) 黄小山 and 程文, 人间有情「冰花男孩」获捐款逾50万 官府无义只给8000元. RFA, Jan 18, 2018 www.rfa.org/cantonese/news/donation-01182018065620.html
("云南省昭通市「冰花男孩」 [王福满] 事件曝光后,当地有官方背景的募捐机构「青基会」,收集捐款超50万元,但受助人「冰花男孩」只获8000元。官方称捐款将救助更多贫困孩子,但网民迅速反弹,认为官方越权,并推卸本应由政府承担的救助责任")
My comment: News media in Taiwan links the first ever invitation of a Taiwan representative to Congress with just signed Taiwan Travel Act. It is unclear to me whether it is true, or the influence of Mr Bib Dike, the recipient of Congressional Gold Medal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_Gold_Medal