在去年发表的综述性文章“Formal Models of Nondemocratic Politics”中,三位作者提出,阿西莫格鲁等人的工作,将会是非民主政治研究一个新的出发点。在此基础上,学者们可以添加更多的元素,比如信息不对称和实际的政治制度,以期对权力游戏的本质有更加全面的了解。而从这些模型中得出的诸多推论,也为这个领域的实证研究者指明了方向。
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Acemoglu, Daron, Georgy Egorov, and Konstantin Sonin. "Coalition formation in non-democracies." The Review of Economic Studies 75.4 (2008): 987-1009.
Acemoglu, Daron, Georgy Egorov, and Konstantin Sonin. "Do juntas lead to personal rule?." The American Economic Review 99.2 (2009): 298-303.
Acemoglu, Daron, Georgy Egorov, and Konstantin Sonia. "Political selection and persistence of bad governments." The Quarterly Journal of Economics125.4 (2010): 1511-1575.
Acemoglu, Daron, Georgy Egorov, and Konstantin Sonin. "Dynamics and stability of
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Acemoglu, Daron, Georgy Egorov, and Konstantin Sonin. "Political economy in a changing world." Journal of Political Economy 123.5 (2015): 1038-1086.
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Gehlbach, Scott, Konstantin Sonin, and Milan W. Svolik. "Formal models of nondemocratic politics." Annual Review of Political Science 19 (2016): 565-584.
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