(a) "大陆东南卫视驻台记者叶青林 * * * 叶青林的文章发表后,台湾绿营对他展开围剿"
(i) "东南卫视,是福建省广播影视集团旗下的卫星电视频道,也是福建省唯一覆盖中国大陆,并在海外有较大影响力的电视媒体。 '台海' 和 '娱乐' 是东南卫视两大特色。": 东南卫视website
(ii) 东南卫视 website has 海峡午报, which, as of today, includes archive for Feb 9 to 12 (inclusive), but not shortly before or after. In any event, I am in a library, which disables sound -- but not sight -- of broadcast videos.
(iii) The earthquake hit Hualien on Tuesday, Feb 6, 2918 (23:50 loca time).
I can not enter, simply because I am not a member of Facebook. However, in the background of 葉青林's photos on this page, one can clearly see 海峡午报.
(ii) A local newspaper (in Taiwan) supplies a link, so I can read one posting of 葉's:
("葉青林 February 12 at 4:21am · 我们 [possibly 他们] 几乎五天五夜都在震灾现场,是真心心疼台湾的救援队员,他们自己已经很忙碌很劳累了,还要抽出时间来配合日本的“先进设备”。然而最令人心寒的是,在我采访当天把所见所闻发布在脸书上以后,台湾几个媒体为了维护日本救援队的崇高形象,恶意攻击困扰到无辜的梁队长,把日本救援队亲口说不会进入现场造谣成是梁队长转达造成的误解。现在就把这段现场视频放出来,到底谁在颠倒黑白,都很清楚了")
It appears that in his Facebook page, his name is in traditional Chinese, but his text, simplified.
(iii) News outlets in Taiwan now report that Japanese volunteer rescuers spoke in Chinese (not Japanese) in the conversation. If you can listen to the video -- I can not -- maybe you may confirm it.