"星期三,由参议院 '台湾连线' [ Senate Taiwan Caucus; the other co-chair is Marco-Rubio (R-FL); the counterpart in the House of Representatives is Congressional Taiwan Caucus (135 out of 435 members) ] 共同主席之一的共和党籍参议员殷霍夫 (James Inhofe, R-OK)带领的参访团在台北与台湾总统蔡英文会面 [on Feb 21; '20到22日访台期间']
(a) "Hu Benliang, a Taiwan affairs specialist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences" 中国社会科学院台湾研究所 胡本良
(b) "Liu Guoshen, head of Xiamen University's Taiwan Research Institute" 厦门大学台湾研究院两岸协创中心主任 刘国深
(c) "Wang Kung-yi, a political-science professor at the Chinese Culture University in Taipei" 王崑義 does not work for that university.
(4) 羅添斌, 美台國防工業會議 美重要官員可望出席; 五月首次在台舉行 十餘家國際大廠參與. Liberty Times, Feb 11, 2018 http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/paper/1176450
("由於美國當局將取消官員來台層級的限制,美國現職重要官員屆時來台與會的機率相當高。美台國防工業會議自二○○二年開始舉行,至去年為止,每年會議都在美國境內舉行 [annually, or once a year] * * * 美方最新的規劃是自今年起,美台國防工業會議將採一年舉行兩次的方式辦理,上半年在台灣舉行,性質以廠商對廠商的技術交流層面為主,雙方官員溝通交流為輔;下半年在美舉行,以台美國防工業政策面進行對話及討論")
(5) Christina Zhao, China Warns Trump Administration Will 'Suffer Complete Humiliation' If Washington Continues to Provoke Beijing. Newsweek Jan 23, 2018 http://www.newsweek.com/china-wa ... miliation-if-788149
("Beijing has hit back at the US after Washington sailed a guided-missile destroyer near the disputed Huangyan Island—otherwise known as Scarborough Shoal—last Wednesday without permission from the Chinese government. The USS Hooper warship was spotted within 12 nautical miles of the island and described as part of 'routine' operations in international waters by the Pentagon")
My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this report.