(2) There is no need to read either report, being duplicative.
(a) 美国官员黄之瀚访台 陆外交部提严正交涉. BBC Chinese, Mar 21, 2018 www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/chinese-news-43484641
("台湾总统府及美国在台协会均指,这次访台行程是在《台湾旅行法》通过前便决定 [hard to believe, to me]。 * * * 据报导,黄之瀚1980年出生,年幼时从广东到香港,再移民美国,懂得粤语,他在去年12月开始担任有关职位。 * * * 另外,国台办宣布,刘结一将升任为国台办主任,接替张志军职务")
(b) 小山, 北京怒批黄之瀚访台 环时威胁武统时间更近了. 法广, Mar 21, 2018 http://cn.rfi.fr/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B ... 4%E8%BF%91%E4%BA%86
("黄之瀚昨 [Mar 20] 晚搭乘中华航空公司班机抵达台湾,美国在台协会派人前往接机。黄之瀚下机后面带笑容,但没有接受采访。台湾总统府则说,黄之瀚来台访问一事,事实上,这个行程是在之前即已敲定。 据台湾外交部指出,黄之瀚是特朗普上任后,首位政治任命的亚太副助卿 * * * 据报道,《人民日报》社旗下的《环球时报》发表社评警告称,台湾的「大麻烦正在路上」,武统离台湾越来越近了!")
My comment: 台湾大麻烦已经在路上! '武统' 的脚步,似乎越来越近. 环球网, Mar 21, 2018.
(i) Biography. Alex N Wong. US Department of State, undated https://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/biog/bureau/277461.htm
("Alex was previously in private practice with a Washington, DC-based international law firm")
(ii) BIOS. In Foreign Policy Ideas on the Campaign Hustings. Tufts University Fletcher School, undated https://fletcher.tufts.edu/Ideas ... paign-Hustings/Bios
("Alex Wong is the Foreign Policy Advisor & General Counsel to Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark). * * * Prior to his current role, Alex was an attorney with Covington & Burling LLP, an international law firm based in Washington, DC. * * * He received his JD, cum laude, from Harvard Law School")
(iii) Candice Chiu, Alex Wong. New York Times, Apr 13, 2014 (wedding) https://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/ ... chiu-alex-wong.html
(6) I fail to find a transcript of Mr Wong’s speech anywhere -- not in websites of US Department of State or AmCham Taipei.
(7) 陈民峰, 赖清德:在台湾找不到九二共识这把钥匙. 法广, Mar 21, 2018. https://cn.rfi.fr/中国/20180321-赖清德在台湾找不到九二共识这把钥匙
(台湾行政院长赖清德20日在立法院答询时说: "中国把大门关起来,中国认为唯一的钥匙是九二共识,这在台湾找不到")
My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this report (because the quotation is the only thing new).