(i) Super Bowl XLIX
(On Feb 1, 2015 New England Patriots beat Seattle Seahawks 28 to 24 at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona)
(ii) The plane in the commercial was
Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider
(a bomber still in development today)作者: choi 时间: 5-9-2018 13:06 本帖最后由 choi 于 5-9-2018 14:50 编辑
(a) 人民日报微博 on the same day (May 9) reproduces (1)(a) -- both video and text -- and nothing else.
(i) 中國航空工業集團 Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)
(ii) '国防在线' 客户端8月1日上线,系解放军唯一在线军训平台. 中国军网, July 30, 2017
(" '国防在线' 客户端由中央军委国防动员部与解放军报社联合主办,将于8月1日正式上线,主要面向全国大中院校军训学生、教官以及参加军训的民兵预备役人员")
flying wing: (fixed wing [can not fold]; no definite fuselage; crew and everything housed in wings; "Similar aircraft designs that are not – strictly speaking – flying wings, are sometimes referred to as such. These types include blended wing body aircraft [this is precisely the blunder 新浪军事 committed. See (c)(iv) below which calls 飞翼式]")
Both B-2 and X-47B (see next) are tailless.
(A) Northrop Grumman X-47B
(table: Developed into Northrop Grumman X-47C [the latter remains in development]; photo caption: "An X-47B demonstrator with folded wings on the aircraft elevator of USS George HW Bush (CVN-77) on 14 May 2013")
(B) Northrop Grumman X-47B Landing Tests., published by "Military Weapon 2017" on Feb 14, 2017.
(iv) 中国最新神秘隐身飞机现身 为何比起歼20更引人关注. 新浪军事, Aug 11, 2017 ... yixiar9661362.shtml
("近日,外国媒体曝光了一组中国某地的卫星图片。 * * * 从外形上看,这架飞机与美国X-47B隐身无人机采用了一样的隐身飞翼式布局,外形也极其相似,所以完全可以肯定其是一架隐身飞机。但单从外形上并无法判断这架飞机究竟是有人机还是无人机")
I fail to find out who in the West first reported this, but I know the location in China is Chengdu and the satellite was taken by Google Earth (which appeared in the full, as opposed to cropped, satellite photo).