(a) "針對明 [中華民國一百零八年度, or 2019] 年度中央政府總預算案 * * * 國防部希望明年度國防預算的規模,能較今年度的三二七八億元增加約三、四百億元,達到約三千六百億元,讓國防預算占國內生產毛額(GDP)的比例回到二%以上" but the Tsai administration says it can not be done.
(b) "今 [中華民國一百零七] 年度國防預算規模僅占GDP一.八四%,國防預算額度中有將近一半是用在人員維持費上 * * * 事實上,蔡總統在二○一六年總統大選時的競選政見之一,是要讓年度國防預算達到GDP的三%,但國防部最新向立院提出的報告顯示,近十年國防部主管歲出法定預算占GDP比重,自二○○八年的二.五四%,逐年下降,二○一七年及二○一八年所占比例更是連二%都不到,這兩年度的國防預算僅占GDP的一.八四%"
(c) 財政年度 fiscal year財政年度
(又稱會計年度 pin Chinese] ; 美國聯邦政府2010年財政年度(Oct 1, 2009-Sept 30, 2010); 中華人民共和國, 中華民國, France, Germany and Russia (Jan 1-Dec 31; ie, calendar year), Hong Kong, Japan and United Kingdom (April 1-Mar 31 of the following year) )
(d) The Tsai administration is responsible for 民國一百零七 and 一零八年度 中央政府總預算. whereas the Ma administration, for 民國一百零六 年度.
Note: Both (4)(a) and (b) are based on the same opinion poll, but report on different parts. See 2018台灣政黨形象. 台灣民意基金會, July 15, 2018.圖表分析/2018台灣政黨形象(2018年7月15日)/
Because the head of 台灣民意基金會 is a member of DPP, so when its poll says DPP is not good, it is credible. In fact, in my opinion DPP has lost the mandate of the people -- and of the heaven. As for Mr 賴清德 William Lai Ching-te. He always had the highest approval ratings among 縣市長 when he was mayor of City of Taiwan. But his leadership has been so-so since he accepted the promotion as premier 政院院長 since September 2017. This is Peter principle.