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标题: 高铁 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 6-27-2011 08:33
标题: 高铁

Latest news first.
(1) 中国试图减少外界对京沪高铁的关注. VOA Chinese, June 27, 2011.
(官方新华社星期一 "援引铁道部工程师何华武的话说,原铁道部副总工程师周翊民的指称是'毫无根据的'”)

Note: The report cites
齐中熙、俞玮, 铁道部谈京沪高铁:中国高铁的安全完全有保证. 新华网, June 27, 2011.  

(2) 中国铁道部前官员:高铁时速350公里自欺欺人, June 22, 2011.

Note: The report cited
孙春芳, 三问京沪高铁. 21世纪经济报道, June 21, 2011.

The web site of 21世纪经济报道 has deleted the above report whose original URL was
. And the link I provided is a Google cache (which lacks web pages 2 and 3). Please find the missing link in the Web.

Today Mitbbs.com has a headline banner
高铁想赚钱,不易。中国已运营的京津、武广、郑西、沪宁、沪杭5条高铁线,起码目前没看到铁路部门披露其运营情况的权威数据,但高铁上座率低、亏损严重已不是什么秘密。* * *

I did not read it. I can not find a English-language report that says so. But I do find this:

Bradley Parrett, China’s Airlines Dodge A Bullet Train. Aviation Week, June 24, 2011
("The [airline] carriers have won a reprieve against extreme competition from fast rail on their premier route, between Beijing and Shanghai, with the railways ministry announcing fairly high fares for its imminent service")

Note: The "full-blooded" in "full-blooded competition"
(adj): "enthusiastic and determined  <Both teams played good full-blooded football.>"
MacMillan Dictionary


作者: choi    时间: 6-29-2011 12:02
标题: Re: 高铁

Mure Dickie, Use of Brakes on China's Fast Trains Is to Be appaluded. Financial Times, June 29, 2011.

My comment:
(a) The reporter priases Mr Zhou Yimin's interview with the 21st Century Business Herald as
"extraordinarily frank."
(b) But the re4porter also cites a Japanese executive showing admiration of China's high-speed rail for
"impressive smoothness of ride" and nonchalance of safety issues.
(c) Registration is required to read the report.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Latest news first.
: (1) 中国试图减少外界对京沪高铁的关注. VOA Chinese, June 27, 2011.
: http://www.voanews.com/chinese/news/20110627-china-high-speed-train-124593774.html
: (官方新华社星期一 "援引铁道部工程师何华武的话说,原铁道部副总工程师周翊民的指称是'毫无根据的'”)
: (以下引言省略...)


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