[64] Principles of the “National Revolutionary League” for Negotiations with the Communist Party Regarding the Anti-Japanese United Front, 1935(Draft), Chinese Law and Government, vol.30, no.1, January-February 1997, pp.41-47.
[65] 《王明致中央书记处电》(1936年7月15日);Resolution of the Secretariat of the ECCI Concerning Begotiations between the CCP Representative and Chen Mingshu, June 19, 1936, Chinese Law and Government, vol.30, no.1, January-February 1997, pp.48-50.
[74] ECCI Secretariat to the CC CCP Secretariat, March 2, 1937, Chinese Law and Government, vol.30, no.1, January-February 1997, p.67.
[75] 徐则浩:《王稼祥年谱(1906-1974)》,中央文献研究室2001年版,第190页。
[76] Wang Ming;s Note to Moskvin and Pan Hanniaan’s Letter to Wang Ming, September 1937, Chinese Law and Government, vol.30, no.2, March-April 1997, pp.10-11.
[77] Russian Center for the Preservation and Study of Documents on Modern History(RPSDMH), 495/74/291.
[78] 《季米特洛夫日记》,第64页。
[79] 徐则浩:《王稼祥传》,当代中国出版社1996年版,第296-297页。
[80] RCPSMH,495/74/317.
[81] 《季米特洛夫日记》,第107页。
[82] Dimitrov to Molotov, December 7,1944, Chinese Law and Government, vol.30, no.2, March-April 1997, p.59.
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