"Medicare already is paying out more money than it receives, something that happened for the first time last year. And Social Security will be by 2016, a year sooner than had been projected, the trustees' annual report said. Unless changes in Social Security are enacted, the retirement fund will be depleted in 2037, four years sooner than projected last year. The Medicare trust fund is in even worse shape. It is projected to become insolvent in 2017, two years earlier than expected."
参议院金融委员会(the Senate Finance Committee)主席、民主党参议员Max Baucus认为,这份报告"underscores the urgency of action on comprehensive health care reform this year. As costs continue to rise, the Medicare program so important to so many American families is put in jeopardy."
(source: LA Times)
【 在 Faith (faith) 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国财政部周二表示,受经济衰退影响,美国的社保金(Social Security)和老年医保金(Medicare)收支状况进一步恶化。Medicare已入不敷出,预计在2017年破产(insolvency)
: 而Social Security预计于2016年开始入不敷出。
: "Medicare already is paying out more money than it receives, something that happened for the first time last year. And Social Security will be by 2016, a year sooner than had been projected, the trustees' annual report said. Unless changes in Social Security are enacted, the retirement fund will be depleted in 2037, four years sooner than projected last year. The Medicare trust fund is in even worse shape. It is projected to become insolvent in 2017, two years earlier than expected."
: ...................
※ 来源:.一路BBS yilubbs.com.[FROM:]
※ 修改:.Faith 于 May 12 22:47:38 修改本文.[FROM:]
【 在 Faith (faith) 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国财政部周二表示,受经济衰退影响,美国的社保金(Social Security)和老年医保金(Medicare)收支状况恶化。Medicare已入不敷出,预计在2017年破产(insolvency),而
: Social Security预计于2016年开始入不敷出。
: "Medicare already is paying out more money than it receives, something that happened for the first time last year. And Social Security will be by 2016, a year sooner than had been projected, the trustees' annual report said. Unless changes in Social Security are enacted, the retirement fund will be depleted in 2037, four years sooner than projected last year. The Medicare trust fund is in even worse shape. It is projected to become insolvent in 2017, two years earlier than expected."
: ...................
"If we don't take action to slow the growth in health-care spending
both publicly and privately, we are going to find ourselves in a
simply unsustainable position,"
(White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs)
: 【 在 Faith (faith) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 美国财政部周二表示,受经济衰退影响,美国的社保金(Social Security)和老年医保金(Medicare)收支状况恶化。Medicare已入不敷出,预计在2017年破产(insolvency),而
: : Social Security预计于2016年开始入不敷出。
: : "Medicare already is paying out more money than it receives, something that happened for the first time last year. And Social Security will be by 2016, a year sooner than had been projected, the trustees' annual report said. Unless changes in Social Security are enacted, the retirement fund will be depleted in 2037, four years sooner than projected last year. The Medicare trust fund is in even worse shape. It is projected to become insolvent in 2017, two years earlier than expected."
: ...................