标题: Tofu in Kyoto [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 1-12-2010 18:17 标题: Tofu in Kyoto 本文通过一路BBS站telnet客户端发布
Kimiko Barber, In search of traditional Japanese tofu. Financial Times, Nov. 28, 2009.
(1) Quote:
"Between the eighth and the end of the ninth century, Japan sent a series of missions to China to learn from China’s rich religious and cultural advances and it is almost certain that the tofu-making technique was introduced by visiting Chinese priests or returning Japanese Buddhist monks.
"Tofu was eaten as a poor man’s food in China centuries before it came to Japan, but it was the ruling upper class and the Buddhist priests who were the first Japanese to eat tofu.
"It was during this time that the Japanese created several new varieties of tofu that did not exist in China. Those new varieties include koya-dofu (dried-frozen tofu), hiryozu or ganmodoki as it is sometimes called (deep-fried tofu dumplings), abura-age (deep-fried tofu pouches), yaki-dofu (grilled tofu) and kinukoshi-dofu (soft silken tofu).
(2) Note:
(a) bemuse (vt): PUZZLE, BEWILDER
(b) Soybean
("The soybean (U.S.) or soya bean (UK) (commonly misspelled "Soyabean") (Glycine max) is a species of legume native to East Asia. * * * It is an annual plant that has been used in China for 5,000 years * * * The English word 'soy' is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of shōyu (醤油, しょうゆ), the Japanese word for Soya sauce; soya comes from the Dutch adaptation of the same word.")
In Japan, soybean is 大豆 ダイズ (pronounced as "daizu")
(c) Iriyama Tofu where Iriyama 入山 is a family name in Japan.
In the top photo, the cloth sign says "入山 とうふ"--とうふ being hiragana 平仮名 for 豆腐.
(d) nigari 苦汁 ・ 苦塩 (translated as bittern or brine in English)
(e) okara 雪花菜 ・ 御殻 (豆腐渣 in Chinese)
(f) Shojin Ryori 精進料理
Buddhist cuisine
("known as zhāicài ('(Buddhist) vegetarian food') [齋菜] in China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan; shōjin ryōri ('devotion cuisine') in Japan; sachal eumsik ('temple food') in Korea")
(g) Kamakura (神奈川県)鎌倉市
(h) koya-dofu 高野豆腐 "The name comes from Mount Koya," 高野山 mountains in Wakayama prefecture 和歌山県 to the south of Osaka.
Please take notice that in Japanese pronunciation, "tofu" became "dufu" when the word is combined with and follows another word, to form a longer word--much like "i" in "California" is pronounced much like "u" in bulk rather than "i" in "milk," although the same "i" in California is pronounced in Mexico like "i" in "milk" and the word "California" was coined by a Spaniard. See
("The name California is most commonly believed to have derived from a fictional paradise peopled by Black Amazons and ruled by a Queen Califia. The myth of Califia is recorded in a 1510 work The Exploits of Esplandian, written as a sequel to Amadís de Gaula by Spanish adventure writer Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo.")
(i) hiryozu/ganmodoki 飛竜頭 ・ 飛竜子/雁擬き
I have not seen Ganmodoki before.
(j) abura-age 油揚げ (油豆腐 in Chinese), where "abura" is Japanese pronunciation for 油 and Japanese verb 揚げる means "deep fry."
(k) yaki-dofu 焼き豆腐
(l) kinukoshi-dofu (should be "kinugoshi-dofu") 絹ごし豆腐 ・ 絹漉し豆腐
絹漉し is defined as "filtering or straining through silk cloth" Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary.
(m) Okutan 奥丹
(i) Store web site:
("京都の名店、総本家ゆどうふ奥丹") where ゆどうふ (pronounced as "yudofu" is 湯豆腐 in Kanji.
("湯豆腐(ゆどうふ)は、豆腐を使った料理の一つ。冬の代表的な鍋料理のひとつ") whose translation is "dish using tofu; one of winter's representative pot dish."
(i) Ingen
("(Fuqing, Fujian, 1592 - Uji, 1673) was a Chinese Linji Chan Buddhist monk, poet, and calligrapher")
He was born in Fujian as a Chinese and died in Japan. The "Linji Chan" is 臨済 禪.
* Linji
("Línjì Yìxuán (臨済義玄 * * * Japanese: Rinzai Gigen) (died 866) was the founder of the Linji school of Chán Buddhism during Tang Dynasty China. Linji was born into a family named Xing (邢) in Caozhou (modern Heze in Shandong)
Born and died in China, he lived his life there, too. Obviously Japanese admired him and gave him a Japanese name, whose Chinese name turned degenerate.
The same Jananese "mame" can mean 豆 or "diligent" (in English).
shikaku 四角 an adjective for "sqaure" (in English).
Kanji for "yawaraka" can be 軟らか or 柔らか.