(a) Shenyang WS-10
(涡扇 Woshan-10)
(b) The VOA report is based on these two only (no others reports, English or Chinese, talks about it).
(i) China Wins A Big One. Strategy Page, Jan. 3, 2010.
(ii) China was so excited about (i) that it expanded on it:
My comment: Come on. Strategy Page is not something noteworthy. Here is "
About Us" in its web site.
Richard D. Fisher, Jr., Chinese Chengdu J-10 Emerges. Aviation Week, Jan. 14
, 2010.
"J-10 may emerge in the market soon after 2010, offering capabilities
approaching Lockheed Martin’s F-16C Block 60, at half the price
"The fighter’s market success will depend on China’s ability to produce
reliable advanced turbofan engines. Rival fighter maker Shenyang has been
developing its WS-10A Taihang turbofan since the mid-1980s, which could
offer 13.2 tons of thrust. Russian sources believe it is beset by
developmental difficulties."