VOA Chinese, Mar. 19, 2010.
My comment:
(a) I can not find the commentary 新世紀海軍 or 新世紀的海軍--through tw.
yahoo.com, Google or in www.mnd.gov.tw.
(b) I doubt Taiwan military is so weak. No doubt Taiwan's is better than
that of any of ASEAN. And just two weeks ago, VOA Chinese suggested China
might be concerned about ASEAN. I also doubt Taiwan military dare say this
to Taiwanese.
(c) If US wants to sells weapons to Taiwan, that is fine. Just do not put
down Taiwan--and Taiwanese's resolve to fight. We can fight on our own--and
(d) 哈德逊研究所的政治和军事分析中心的主管理查德--韦茨
Richard Weitz, Director, Center for Political-Military Analysis/Senior
Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
(1) 美议员促两岸ECFA谈判提高透明度. VOA Chinese, Mar. 18, 2010.
(2) 台湾关切大陆部署远程地对空导弹. VOA Chinese, Mar. 18, 2010.
(1) US leaves open option for more arms sales to Taiwan. AFP, Mar. 19, 2010.
(2) William Lowther, US support for sale of F-16s growing. Taipei Times, Mar
. 20, 2010.
(more than those reported in VOA Chinese: Commissioner Dan Blumenthal;
Michael Schiffer, deputy assistant secretary of defense for East Asia; David
Shear, deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific
affairs; and David Shlapak, a senior international policy analyst with the
RAND Corporation)
My comment: (1) was published at 2:27 am EDT, and (2) 9 am EDT.
【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: VOA Chinese, Mar. 19, 2010.
: http://www1.voanews.com/chinese/news/taiwan/TAIWAN-NAVY-20100319-88580222.html
: My comment:
: (a) I can not find the commentary 新世紀海軍 or 新世紀的海軍--through tw.
: yahoo.com, Google or in www.mnd.gov.tw.
: (以下引言省略...)