VOA Chinese, Mar. 23, 2010.
(a) This VOA report says the article is in English, not in traditional
Chinese as I thought. Still I can not find this article, nor can I find the
magazine 现代海军.
(b) Knox class frigate
(built: 1965–1974; in commission: 1969–1994 (US Navy); the lead ship was
named for Commodore Dudley Wright Knox (1877-1960); In the 1990s the US
agreed to transfer 8 Knox Class Frigates to Taiwan, which were renamed Chi
Yang Class 濟陽級)
Taiwan has F-16A/B fighters, which were upgraded to a level almost similar
to C/D. In addition, the section mentions AMRAAM and Sidewinder missiles,
as well as Phalanx CIWS, all of three Taiwan has. Taiwan does not have AEGIS
but a few years ago, Taiwan acquired from US long-ranged radars worth a billion dollars that can track multiple missiles at the same time.
Yes, under Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Taiwan lost a handful of warships
near 東山島 (Aug. 5, 1965) and 崇武 (Nov. 13, 1965). But that is because
Taiwan's warships invaded China without any air cover. (How dumb the
generalissimo was!)
It would be interesting to know what countermeasures China has to protect its own ships.
【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: VOA Chinese, Mar. 23, 2010.
: http://www1.voanews.com/chinese/news/taiwan/20100323-CHINESE-MILITARY-EXPERTS-VIEW-TAIWAN-NAVY-88928557.html
: Note:
: (a) This VOA report says the article is in English, not in traditional
: (以下引言省略...)
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