Jen-Hsun Huang; I’m Prepared for Adversity. I Waited Tables. New York Times
, June 6, 2010.
My comment:
(a) the "hand" in "the worst possible hand" is a noun defined as "the cards
or pieces held by a player."
(b) Mr. Huang says, "Tell me about something where you just shanked into the
woods." I can not find what it means.
(c) Jen-Hsun Huang
His wife is Lori, whose picture can be found in a web page of his alma mater
: College of engineering, Oregon State university.
Brian Wallace, Touring Kingston Technology's Memory Facility In Taiwan.
Legit Reviews, June 3, 2010.
My comment: I am always mystified about the difference, if any, between
Kingston on one hand and Samsung and Hynix on the other hand.
In the original posting, I wrote the following: "Mr. Huang says, "Tell me
about something where you just shanked into the woods." I can not find what
it means.
It turned out to be a golf idiom.
(a) shank (transitive verb): "to hit (a golf ball or shot) with the extreme
heel of the club so that the ball goes off in an unintended direction" www.
I disregard it because the web dictionary only lists transitive verb but "
shank into the woods" obviously is an intransitive verb.
(b) If one googles with the term "shanked into the woods," he will find
numerous items. Yesterday I could not find any, because I googled with the
term "shank into the woods" (present tense for "shank").
【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Jen-Hsun Huang; I’m Prepared for Adversity. I Waited Tables. New York Times
: , June 6, 2010.
: My comment:
: (a) the "hand" in "the worst possible hand" is a n
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