Mark Landler,
New York Times, July 24, 2010.
("Though presented as an offer to help ease tensions, the stance amounts to
a sharp rebuke to China. * * * Twelve of the 27 countries at the security
meeting spoke out in favor of a new approach to the South China Sea,
prompting Mr. Yang [Jiechi] to observe that the American effort seemed
* brook (vt): "TOLERATE"
* The spit in "spits of sand" is a noun (etymology: akin to Old High German
spiz pointed):
"1: a slender pointed rod for holding meat over a fire
2: a small point of land especially of sand or gravel running into a body of
* flat-footed (adj): "not ready : unprepared —used chiefly in the phrase
catch one flat-footed"
All definitions are from
--------------------Separately, about Yellow Sea
(1) 美国国内针对美韩军演的辩论. VOA Chinese, July 23, 2010.
(2) Al Pessin, Top US Officer Calls China 'Aggressive' in Yellow Sea. VOA,
July 23, 2010.
"'They seem to be taking a much more aggressive approach with respect to the
"near sea" area. Recent public statements about the United States Navy not
operating in the Yellow Sea, which is an international body of water, that's
just not something that we're going to adhere to,' Admiral Mullen said. 'I
mean, we're going to continue to operate in international waters, as we have
historically.' He was referring to Chinese objections to the plan for U.S.
-South Korean naval exercises in the Yellow Sea.