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标题: 实况文字报道:中美领导人记者会 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 1-19-2011 12:06
标题: 实况文字报道:中美领导人记者会

BBC Chinese, Jan 19, 2010.

My comment:
(a)The transcript starts from the bottom.
(b) I can not locate a English-language transcript of teh joint press conference, not even in White House website (only video is available in the web).
(c) A REPORT from Voice of America:

奥巴马胡锦涛记者会谈贸易、人民币和人权. VOA Chinese, Jan 19, 2010.



"彭博的记者还问,有参议员不参加晚上的国宴,可能因为担心中国强大,您如何缓解他们的担忧? * * * 胡锦涛还说,至于有议员不参加今晚宴会的问题,你应该去问他。

"美国官员说,在他们的坚持下,胡锦涛同意在访问华盛顿期间参加这个公开的媒体活动。这次记者招待会共允许记者提出4个问题,其中两个问题由中国记者提出,两个由美国记者提出。通常情况下,这位中国领导人的公开声明是事先准备好的。胡锦涛此前曾公开接受过记者提问,其中包括2005年在北京与奥巴马总统的前任乔治 W.布什共同举行的记者招待会。但是,奥巴马2009年访华时,他拒绝这样做。当时,两位领导人共同面对记者时,只是宣布了事先准备好的声明。

(1) 易明:中国世界地位遇自我挑战. VOA Chinese, Jan 19, 2010.


"美国外交关系协会(Council of Foreign Relations)亚洲研究中心主任、高级研究员易明(Elizabeth Economy)指出 * * * 中国担任世界领袖的愿望也越来越明显。但是,中国国内的“家务事”却更加迫切

"易明说:'我认为中国政府面对的更大威胁来自两个方面。第一是互联网 * * * 第二,官僚集团不愿出让利益构成挑战中国世界领袖地位的另外一个因素'

"中国扩张之时输出弱点 * * * 中国前往非洲、东南亚和拉美从事经济和商业活动时,经常出现中国做法不受当地人欢迎的现象

(2) 华时:奥巴马敲定40亿美元对台军售. VOA Chinese, Jan 18, 2010.

My comment:
(a) This is old news. A week old. So, do not be alarmed.
(b) The report translates the phrase "all bets are off" into 一切重来.

(i) The phrase is Anerican English.

Though one online dictionary defines it as "agreements that have been made no longer apply"--the same as 一切重来, which may be the original meaning in a gamble--most dictionaries defines it this way:

"used to describe a situation in which it is impossible to be sure about what will happen ▪ All bets are off on the election: it's too close to call."
Merriam Webster's Learner's Dictionary.

(ii) In the latter sense, it is similar to another phrase.

All hell breaks llose: "INFORMAL  a situation suddenly becomes violent and noisy, especially with people arguing or fighting[.  E.g.] One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke loose."
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

(3) 伟亮, 华盛顿随笔:胡奥峰会与你我他. BBC Chinese, Jan 194, 2010.
(""苹果电脑公司在加州设计,在中国组装“ (Designed by Apple in California, assembled in China)。iPhone背后的这几个小字,用放大镜才能看清")

My comment: I have not seen an iPhone, let alone use it. I have no idea if the quotation is true.

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