标题: US Economy [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 1-27-2011 11:41 标题: US Economy 本文通过一路BBS站telnet客户端发布
Most Americans have not heard of Lang Lang, or his playing piano in White House. But many--they are supporters of Pres. Obama; a majority of Massachusetts voters are--are angry they know many of their friends and relatives who are laid off and that China steals all those jobs (manufacturing job, that is), by artificially lowering exchange rate of China's and America's currencies. This is something Chinese need to address--urgently. (Fortunately for Taiwan, Americans do not even think of Taiwan in these discussions--except in (6) below.)
My comment: Import itself does not generate GDP--because GDP only counts DOMESTIC activities by definition--though import creates jobs (longshoremen, truckers, salesmen, etc.) that do factor into GDP.
(2) 鲁比尼警告中国通胀可能失控. VOA Chinese, Jan 26, 2011.
My comment:
(a) 鲁比尼 Nouriel Roubini
(b) Gordon Orr, What Might Happen in China This Year? Despite inflation, bankruptcies, and other problems, industrial enterprises should remain highly profitable. McKinsey Quareterly, January 2011.
"The drivers of inflation are much more structural than cyclical. Indeed, the entire system is now so highly stressed that one snowstorm brings large spikes in food and energy prices as coal runs short.
"Buyers have aggressively bought multiple properties with every penny of free cash flow. All that is needed for a wave of bankruptcies is further interest rate rises (targeting inflation) that result in a blip down in house prices just as mortgage payments rise.
* I believe the VOA report is mistaken in saying hike in interest rates will result in 房价的大幅飙升. The McKinsey report, on which the VOA report is based, states "a blip down in house prices"--a reasonable consequence due to rise in mortage rate (though many Chinese finance real estate purchase entirely with cash.
(3) 中国拟建“珠三角大都市.” VOA Chinese, Jan 26, 2011.
(4) 林毅夫促中国警惕房地产泡沫. VOA Chinese, Jan 26, 2011.
My comment:
(a) If Mr Lin says that real estate bubbles are the primary cause of declining economies of Ireland and Japan, I disagree. Sure, the collapse of real estate sector will invariably bankrupt over-leveraged, debt-ridden investors. But that is a side effect of recession, rather than the cause--at least in these two nations. (It is nonetheless the cause of 2007 financial crisis in US.)
(b) The same VOA report also observed, "尽管中国政府极力抑制房价,但是中国各地的豪宅房价继续上涨。以北京为例,被称为中国十大豪宅之一的北京钓鱼台七号院近日创出天价,以每平方米15.7 万元人民币的价格成交,成为北京单价最高的豪宅."
(c) The report quoted 经济学家茅于轼 as saying, “中国房地产泡沫的根本成因就是高储蓄,收入分配不均衡,另外,有钱人手里头钱非常多,而且他们没有投资机会,就去买房子。大家担心通货膨胀,把钱放在银行里边会贬值,所以就选择买房。行政力量有限得很,它控制不住。这几个因素不改变,房价它还得往上涨。”
(5) 重庆上海启动房产税试点 其效果引起质疑. BBC Chinese, Jan 27, 2011.
(6) James R Hagerty, Assembled Elsewhere; To manufacture the Kindle, Amazon couldn't find enough expertise and capacity in the U.S. It headed to Taiwan. Wall Street Journal, Jan 25, 2011.
(book review on Andrew N. Liveris, Make It in America. Wiley, 2011)
"But when U.S.-based firms move all their capacity in high-tech processes overseas, our country eventually loses some of the skills needed for whole groups of products. Mr. Liveris cites the Kindle. Amazon, he says, invented it but couldn't find all the screen-making expertise and capacity required to produce it in the U.S. and so had to have it manufactured in Taiwan. (An Amazon spokeswoman declined to discuss with me where the Kindle is made and why.)
My comment: I always wondered where Kindle was made--but could not find it out in the web. Now I know.
(7) Pascal Lamy, ‘Made in China’ tells us little about global trade. Financial Times, Jan 25, 2011.
"Measures we use also change the way trade affects jobs too. Research on Apple’s iPod shows that out of the 41,000 jobs its manufacture created in 2006, 14,000 were located in the US. Some 6,000 were professional posts. Yet since US workers are better paid, they earned $750m, while only $320m went to workers abroad. Indeed, the iPod may have never existed if Apple had not known that Asian companies could supply components
My comment:
(a) "The writer is director-general of the World Trade Organisation."
(b) The article first pointed out
(i) Apple's iPhone is assembled in China, with components from numeous countries.
(ii) The phone contributed $1.9bn to the US trade deficit with China, using the traditional country of origin concept.
(iii) But if China’s iPhone exports to the US were measured in value added – meaning the value added by China to the components – those exports would come to only $73.5m.