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标题: 拜登访华 认识中国新领导人 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 8-16-2011 11:26
标题: 拜登访华 认识中国新领导人

VOA Chinese, Aug 16, 2011

(1) 中国卫生部派专家为“小伊伊”腿伤会诊. VOA Chinese, Aug 16, 2011

My comment:
(a) James T Areddy, China Derails Railway Spokesman’s Career. China Real Time, Aug 16, 2011
("The ministry didn’t offer an explanation for Mr. Wang’s dismissal, announced late Tuesday in a single line dispatch by the state-run Xinhua news agency")
(b) There is no need to read either report.

(2) 骆家辉“寒酸”抵京,众网民五味杂陈. VOA Chinese, Aug 16, 2011

My comment:
(a) The report cites
Josh Chin, New China Envoy’s Airport Antics Rile Chinese Internet. China Real Time, Aug 15, 2011
(b) Which in turn cites
唐朝晖 新浪微博, Aug 13, 2011

(i) I do no have an account with Sina and thus can not get into the Weibo.
(ii) 微软搜索广告部门高管唐朝晖出任adSage CEO. 网易, June 1, 2010.
(iii) The website of adsage (
) says  with offices in Seatle, Beijing and Shanghai.

(3) 马英九谈外交历程,百感交集. VOA Chinese, Aug 16, 2011
("台湾总统马英九星期二表示,中华民国的外交曾经风雨飘摇,台美断交的时候,他正在美国求学,他在哈佛大学的教授安慰他,中华民国是不被美国承认的国家中,最被承认的(the most recognized unrecognized government)")

(a) The report quotes Pres Ma as saying "US court in China."
(i) Ruskola, Teemu, Colonialism Without Colonies: On the Extraterritorial Jurisprudence of the U.S. Court for China (October 27, 2008). Emory Public Law Research Paper No. 09-67. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1485687
("The United States Court for China was created by Congress in 1906, and it was not abolished until 1943. The Shanghai-based court had extraterritorial jurisdiction over all American citizens within its district, known as the “District of China” for jurisdictional purposes")

Full report ia available in the Web for free.
(ii) Clark University at City of Worcester, Massachusetts held a few distinguished conferences in 1909 (see the left column), one of which was "China and the Far East[.] September 13 - 19, 1909."
, whose last two lines are
"Doctor of Laws Conferred
Lebbeus R. Wilfley, First judge of the U. S. Court in China[.]"

That is Clark University conferred the honorary degree to that judge.
(iii) Obituary: RICHARD T. EVANS; Ex-Judge of the U.S. Court in China Practiced in Tientsin. Dec 26, 1940.
(b) The website of residential office of Taiwan,
, does not offer the transcript but a news release.
總統出席「中華民國100年駐外使節會議」開幕典禮. Aug 16, 2011.
("總統談到,美國雖與中共建交,但並未承認台灣屬於中共;其他許多國家雖也與中共締結外交關係,卻在建交公報中表現出不同態度,例如1971年加拿大「注意」(notes)到中共對台灣的主張;1972年日本「瞭解與尊重」(understand and respect)中共的立場;1979年美國使用「認知」(acknowledge)一詞,而非「承認」。由此可看出,雖與中共建交,但許多國家也保留與中華民國繼續往來的空間,這就是國際形勢的真實面")

(4) 马英九: 继续争取向美采购F16C/D战机. VOA Chinese, Aug 16, 2011
(在野的民进党立法院党团干事长蔡煌琅 "指出, 台湾买不到F16C/D战机, 马英九总统要负完全责任, 因为2007年民进党执政时曾经编列预算, 美方也承诺出售, 但是国民党却加以抵制, 让台湾错过最好的购买时机")

My comment: Whether teh quotation is true, I have no idea. But strenuous objections by Ma and KMT to submarine purchase is a fact.

(5) 美防务周刊:美告知拒售台F-16新战机. VOA Chinese, Aug 16, 2011


"不过对于这个报导,台湾国防部发言人罗绍和表示,并没有接获美国政府的相关讯息;美国在台协会发言人万德福(Christopher Cavanaugh)也说,关于F-16战机的问题,美国政府还没有作出决定;美国国防部则是拒绝评论代表团到台湾的任务。

"防务新闻关于美国已决定不售台F-16C/D战机的报导,还援引了台湾国防部某位官员对美国不卖给台湾F-16C/D一事所表达的不满之情。他说:'对美国的决定感到非常失望。'  不过台湾国防部发言人罗绍和星期一表示,报导内容并非事实,国防部官员并未接受美国媒体的访问

(6) 巴菲特自告奋勇要求增加缴税. BBC Chinese, Aug 16, 2011.

(7) Edward Wong, America’s Economic Woes Cast a Pall On the Vice President’s Talks in China. New York Times, Aug 14, 2011

(8) 毛泽东“出国” 列宁、斯大林和毛再次“合作.” VOA Chinese, Aug 14, 2011

Note: Joseph Stalin was born in 1878 in Georgia.


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