My comment:
(a) Honestly I am unaware of what is said in the quotation.
(b) House Representative Howard Berman (D; California 28th District)
(2) 台外交部发声明驳斥台地位未定论. BBC Chinese, Sept 4, 2011
(3) “美助卡扎菲从香港引渡异议者.” BBC Chinese, Sept 4, 2011.
Note: The man is Abu Munthir, who was detained in Hong Kong in March 2004 before being sent to Libya.
(4) 以色列再次爆发抗议物价大游行. BBC Chinese, Sept 4, 2011.
(5) Amy Butler, Upgraded Missile Killer Fizzles In First Test. Aviation Week, Sept 1, 2011
(Sept. 1 failure of Raytheon’s new SM-3 IB ballistic missile killer, which is an upgrade to the SM-3 IA)